@ 03 . 16 . 03 @ 09:45

I'm finally reading a Game of Thrones after it's been sitting on my shelf for the past two years. Why didn't I read it sooner? I had started to on the day of a doctor's visit that would eventually lead to surgery, and I got to page 11, but then I dropped it. Then Friday, at the airport, I decided to read it and by page 11 I was hooked. I want to know who the Others are. I want to know if Ayra lives because I like her and Bran and Jon Snow and Dany. I can't stand Sansa or the Lannisters except for Tyrion. And Cat gets on my nerves, probably because of the way she treats Jon. I'm up to page 434, and I'm going to finish it now and hope I can find my brother's copy of book 2.


@ 03 . 14 . 03 @ 14:58

Stuff to do today before flying home:
- set up vcr to record very important programs
- pack clothes
- pack school book
- pack favorite notebook
- pack Coraline and actually finish reading it
- take burner
- take palm pilot to get fixed
- take laptop and laptop cord (very important)
- print tickets
- put the bar stuff together
- go pick up transcripts and Form E
- get food
- pack a few cds and makeup and some business attire stuff
- pack blank cds
- alter and print a few copies of resume
- find my frequent flyer card hidden in Stephen King's "On Writing" which also needs to be found and read
- pack a copy of birth certificate
- pack palm pilot documentation!
All this between now and 6, joy. Three hours. hehe


@ 03 . 13 . 03 @ 17:30

Know that feeling you get when out of the blue you realize you've downloaded the song you've been looking for by accident? It happened to me today. I'm suddenly obsessed with Ayashi no Ceres, and there's this one song arrangement that gives me chills, and I found it today. The score for the series itself is amazing and that makes me happy.
That, and I'm seeing Tori Amos in concert on April 25th. Finally!


@ 03 . 11 . 03 @ 20:20

I haven't been posting much, I realize. The stress has been getting to me, and this includes migraines. I hate it. At least Spring Break is next week, and that just rocks. I need a vacation. It's actually my last vacation, which um, is kinda scary.
Can it be August now, or even better, November. That way I don't have to deal with the exam or the waiting, and I will assume that I'm licensed, and that I have a job!!
I love wishful thinking.


@ 03 . 11 . 03 @ 20:10

This is stupid. And then we wonder why Europeans can't stand us.


@ 03 . 07 . 03 @ 19:25

I wonder, can I sue the Bar Board Examiners? The application for non-standard students wanting to take the bar is tedious and extreme. Admittedly, I can understand why they want a doctor's statement as to why I need extra time to take the exam. I know they need proof that I'm physically in a scooter, and that because of the AMC I'm lucky enough that I can write with my right hand. The thing is, the information they want is excessive, and it's made me so unconfortable. They want medical records and tests done. They want my transcripts. They don't ask the regular students for transcripts, but because I'm looking for accomidations I have to provide a college transcript, my transcript here, and my LSAT scores, even if I didn't receive accomidations for that. What relevance do my grades have on the fact that I need accomidations in order to take the bar exam. I'm not a criminal here, yet every question is so detailed, it's like they're expecting me to trip up on something. I'm afraid they'll deny my application because I can't remember the name and current address of the doctor who diagnosed me with AMC. It was 25 years ago. The doctor is probably retired.
My mom, the sensible one, wonders if they can't just send someone to look at me. They don't care. The doctor I went to see on Wednsday was so bothered by the questions, that in the last box she asked if the Board was familiar with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
When I look at the application, it makes me so uneasy. Maybe I'm overreacting, but I do feel discriminated by it all. I feel as if they're just waiting to stamp denied on the application because they aren't satisfied with the doctor's answers or the school's answers. So I can't write as fast as everyone else. Does this mean I can't be a lawyer because of it.
I hate having to go overboard to prove that the accomidations are necessary. I'm not trying to cheat. Believe me, if I could write like a normal person I would.
I understand that they need proof, but there's a difference between needing proof and being overly intrusive. Those records are personal. What the doctor had to put down is personal.
I just hate it. I hate it because filling out that application has made me feel dirty, so undeserving of what I need. I'm not the criminal here, but everything about that application makes it seem otherwise. And I know I'm not the first person to feel like this either.


@ 03 . 05 . 03 @ 21:27

Spare me please! Why must there be kissage. Connor/Cordy kissage is bad. One minute she wants him, the next she spurns him, and now that she's pregnant she wants him again, and Connor accepts this? The last scene was just downright disturbing. My eyes, my poor eyes.
Alright, enough of the melodrama. This episode delivered what it promised: Faith. What a comeback. She's hardened, and cocky. There were glimpses of her from season 3 when she interacted with Angelus. Actually, I would love to see more verbal sparring between the two. She is different though, and it's obvious that Angel had much to do with this. The look on her face spoke volumes when Wes told her about Angel, and I liked that music wasn't used as a dramatic effect.
I liked her interaction with Wes. She teases him at the beginning, but there's no antagonism there. It was a nice touch to see Wes test her after the break out from jail. He was being the watcher at that point, and she took it in stride.
As for Wes, he took Lilah's death hard. The imaginary conversation with her was very touching and introspective at the same time. He wants to believe she loved him even if he's not sure. The fact that he was hoping he could redeem her also drew parallels to Faith whom he wasn't able to help. He's faced with the same again. And he never will know if she loved him, could have redeemed her.
They switched Lilah's clothes in the middle of the scene. At first she's in the clothes she was killed in, and then she's in business attire. I wonder why they did this. Was the business like attire meant to represent a more introspective conversation, or perhaps the darkness still lying within Wes?
Connor. Someone, smack him please. He really wouldn't mind killing Angelus. Then again, that shouldn't surprise me. His reaction to Faith cracked me up. At first he can't stand taking orders from him, but after he got his butt kicked by her, he's all gun ho. He's such a masochist. And I love Cordy's comment to him after he raves about Faith, "A weakness for slayers, you're definately his son."
"Text support me through a quickie then."
Lorne has the best lines! I wonder if his desire to smack Connor in order to test the spell means anything. Pent up annoyance? I love Lorne.
Our Angelus has turned into a celebrity. Apparently "everyone wants a piece of [him]" except for him. The whole bar scene had me laughing, as did his interaction with the Beast. Angelus has no Master. He is his own Master, and he proved it tonight. He didn't want to fight Faith. He wanted to use her to see if she could beat the Beast, which didn't happen. Ouch, she was beaten down badly. And Angelus was in top form, taking advantage of the situation. Bye, bye Beast. Now I'm ready for some real vampire/slayer smack down.
I thought it was a nice touch when Angelus called Dawn to see if the slayer in town was Buffy. I wonder if they might mention the phone call on Buffy. Yummy, crossover. Granted, they're both independant shows now, but I was psyched when I saw that.
Cordelia. She's the Master. She's a cradle robber. She kissed the Beast and then Connor. I wonder, does she invest in mouth wash. Yuck. Cordy is evil and actually a little scary. I wonder what her master plan is with the baby. Is it supposed to be hellspawn? At least now we know how Connor fit into all of this, but did she have to seduce him again? Then again he was drooling about Faith.
The plot thickens, and I just can't wait for next week. If it's as good as this week I will be very happy.


@ 03 . 04 . 03 @ 19:23

Another ADA case to go before the Supreme Court. Should a rehabilitated drug user be allowed to sue for discrimination under the act when his former employer refused to rehire him?
I know I'm going to get yelled at, but, NO, NO, NO.
You do the drugs, you get caught, you lose employers trust. Not just that, you're not disabled. Doing drugs is a choice, not something you're stuck with due to accident or birth. You're addicted, too bad. I'm sick and tired of people like this man who decide they're disabled because they have an addiction. Well, you started it. The money they get they don't deserve. Why? Because people with real disabilities are the ones who need it, the ones who get cheated out of it to help pay some loser who did coke and now thinks he needs protection because he's so-called disabled. No, you're a loser, and had you stayed away from the stuff you'd be just fine. Your're not the victim, you're the idiot.
An employer has every right not to rehire you. Why? You lied. You used drugs and got caught red handed. How dare you use the ADA to try and reclaim a job you don't deserve. It's like asking an employer to rehire you after you embezzled $1 million dollars. Who cares if you went to rehab to teach you that your compulsive tendencies to steal were wrong, and now you won't do it again. That's your fault, and it's against public policy to require any employer to rehire an employee based on the ADA or anything else. Not just that, it hurts business. I mean, what's to say he won't do coke again, or whatever drug it was. It puts the business at risk, and it can put people at risk depending on what that job is.
Stop abusing the ADA, own up to your own mistakes, and look for a job somewhere else.


@ 03 . 04 . 03 @ 19:07

California has decided to withdraw its petition to the Supreme Court in the case of Medical Board of California v Hason, which would challenge the constitutionality of Title 2 of the Americans with Disabilities Act. At stake: people with disABILITIES would not be allowed to sue a state violating the ADA should the court decide that the title was overly broad. Thankfully, Cali decided not to proceed, so there will be no arguments on March 23. And I'm just babbling.


@ 03 . 04 . 03 @ 19:00

The Court of Appeals in Miami heard arguments today challenging a law that bans gays and lesbians from adopting children. I don't know what the court will decide, but discrimination based on sexual orientation is unjustified and the law should be overturned.


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